Play Game God of War Ascension ! Why ?

God of War Ascension
This latest version of the God of War Game series is a prequel to everything that happened before Spartan bleached but also changes with the addition of multiplayer options. God of War: Ascension is the latest blockbuster to star in surly anti-hero Kratos from Sony, a warrior who is forced to kill his wife and son after an agreement with the first God of War, Ares. Including a solo campaign usually consists of epic encounter hyper-violent enemies, boss battles large and complex puzzle, Ascension initially seem more payments under the numbers. However, surprisingly fun multiplayer mode and a little nicer image Spartan itself means there's a little more to love about the latest God of War.

Set before the events of the main trilogy, God of War: Ascension saw Kratos trying to break free from ties with Ares, the task is made more difficult by the three Furies, who plays a Greek oath former Kratos application is to keep the line by any means necessary. Several hours after the God of War: Ascension, you will find yourself walking on a large mechanical snake fight a wave of horrible goat. It's amazing and great, with gold and blue scales gleaming in the sun, because the snake twists metal body and climbing turns through beautiful mountains, garnished with incredible stone architecture. Slowly, the camera pulls back, revealing the absurdity scale environment that Kratos becomes smaller, continue to rip his enemies in the rock opera of blood.

Cronos God of War Ascension PS3At the starting point there is a strange tangent in which a human prisoner asks God's mercy and disappeared in a beam of light. The human prisoners given the real chance with your avatar when you play against other people in God of War: create a new online mode that increase. It was a nice gesture, and if it's subtle nod to the player they spend their time playing the wrong part of the God of War: Ascension was very welcome. God of War: Ascension is a game of two half. solo, but competent and sometimes visually impressive campaign, the gameplay is shameful retreat, and especially compared with brilliant and original and slash game like Revengeance and DMC Hack, looked sadly out of touch with the modern playability. While multiplayer is a complete oddity, but brilliant. Authentic, deep and satisfying with a nice customization options, it shows that Santa Monica Studios is not out of breath, but even if Kratos.

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